For over two decades, Keri Kazz has captivated audiences worldwide with his innovative approach to the ancient art of magic and illusion. His unique style and charisma enable him to forge a deep connection with his audiences, creating an intimate bond while maintaining an enigmatic allure unmatched by any other performer in his field.
Keri has pioneered a new genre of shock illusion, blending traditional magic and stage effects with elements of horror and gore. Drawing inspiration from the sideshow and vaudeville acts of early 20th-century circuses, Keri's raw and unfiltered approach to magic is as compelling and entertaining as it is unsettling. His performances, characterized by state-of-the-art production and technical sophistication, offer a mesmerizing experience.
Having performed extensively in India, China, Japan, Europe, and South America, Keri Kazz possesses a deep understanding of diverse cultures and how they influence audience perceptions of his art. His illusions, all of his own creation and invention, are celebrated within his specialized community.
As an engineer and seasoned stage manager/illusion technical director, Keri brings a unique perspective to the live illusion and entertainment industry, making him an invaluable asset. As his career continues to evolve, he remains dedicated to advancing the art form in a direction uniquely his own.
Keri is redefining the very essence of magic, both literally and figuratively.