Keri Kazz

The Unusual Illusionist

"CHAOS" is a thrilling magic show that captivates audiences with a blend of mind-bending card tricks, side-splitting comedy, and heart-stopping dangerous stunts. The dynamic cast will keep you on the edge of your seat, as Bill flonta & Keri Kazz deftly navigate between laugh-out-loud moments and breathtaking feats of daring. With an enchanting mix of humor and high-risk illusions, "CHAOS" promises an unforgettable night of entertainment for Ages 16+




Rex Kay is a talented magician from Detroit, renowned for his mesmerizing illusions from exceptional skill with Rubik's cubes to bringing drawings to life!. Frequent attempter of the fastest Rubik's Cube solvers in the magic community, Rex captivates audiences with his lightning-speed solves and innovative tricks. His dynamic performances and extraordinary talent have made him a standout figure in the world of magic.


Kody the Koala is a charming marsupial known for his hilarious jokes and lovable personality. Living in the eucalyptus-filled forests of Australia, Kody brings joy and laughter to everyone he meets with his quick wit and endless humor. Whether he's sharing puns or telling funny stories, Kody the Koala is always ready to brighten your day with a good laugh.



Bill Flonta, the madman of comedy magic, is best known for his electrifying mix of hilarious comedy and jaw-dropping magic. His unpredictable antics and wild crazy tricks have dazzled audiences all around Michigan, making him a must see performer in the world of magic.



Keri Kazz, known as the “Unusual Illusionist,” has electrified the global stage with his daring and innovative magic. From grand illusions to close-up coin tricks, his performances blend creativity and danger. Discovered in Detroit at age 16, Keri quickly rose to fame, performing worldwide in Brazil, China, Japan, India, and more. Named one of the top 35 magicians globally, he headlines for Franz Harary’s Mega Magic tour. A respected figure in the conjuring community, Keri teaches and consults for various events, continuing to inspire with his captivating and boundary-pushing acts.

+1 (586) 557 8330